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“Style. by designer” is a concept of styling created by designer Deea Buzdugan.


The  experience she gained over the years working directly with many different clients is now base for a very complex, unique and custom styling process for each project.


“Style. by designer” for personal image of women


For a woman style means femininity, elegance, simplicity and quality.


A woman with style is outstanding without being ostentatious, classic without being sober or dull, and elegant without being covered in famous brands.


It’s very important to understand who you are now, today, to know how you want to be seen and learn how to express who you are by using your appearance and clothing.


Improving your appearance and finding your unique style is an incredible and beautiful journey.


Like anything worth doing, a style makeover, is a complex process that needs proper attention and guidance. 


Designer Deea Buzdugan can be you personal guide in making all the steps in this amazing  transformation process. 


“Style. by designer” for different projects


Designer Deea Buzdugan can help you have an unique and classy  styling for different projects like shootings, videos, campaigns and any other process that requires to be stylized.


She can create and develop the concept following the client requirements and provide the other specialists needed in the process of styling: make-up artist, hair stylist, photographer, videographer and others.


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