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Deea Buzdugan – great boldness change

by Andreea Marin Bănică Yes, the Lord's ways seem very tortuous sometimes. But I just think they just seem so, they are not really tortuous. Because too often I happened to meet special people with apparently no chance of getting to confess to each other, to discover that we have common points and to live nice and worthy is our continuous pursuit that makes us "the same family" and animate us, motivates us, enriches us enough to not wanting anything else more precious in life.

Deea (Andreea Buzdugan) is such a man. I admired the radical change to a public person that respect, I noticed sophistication, simplicity dresses they wear lately and I asked them who tailors is. "A lawyer who has changed her life, following his passion," they answered. "Who would really like to know you, because she might help Mothers school project, that she closely watched" she confessed. I already had two points in common with the designer who I didn't came to meet face to face at the time. The idea of ​​bold change prompted me to find out the whole story. And I was convinced. The story is shared by Deea in the rows and the images below.

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